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Conformity testing (type evaluation) of piston-operated volumetric apparatus is given in ISO 8655-6. Alternative test methods such as photometric and titrimetric methods will be the subject of a future Part 7 to ISO 8655. ISO 8655-1:2002 specifies the general requirements for piston-operated volumetric apparatus. It is applicable to piston pipettes, piston burettes, dilutors and dispensers. It furthermore defines terms for the use of piston-operated volumetric apparatus and gives a list of equivalent terms. It also gives user recommendations. ISO 8655-1 December 15, 2008 Piston-operated volumetric apparatus — Part 1: Terminology, general requirements and user recommendations TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 A description is not available for this item. ISO 8655-1. September 15, 2002 Piston-Operated Volumetric idt ISO 8655-1:2002. Piston-operated volumetric apparatus - Part 1: Terminology, general requirements and user recommendations. Appareils volumétriques à piston - Partie 1: Définitions, exigences générales et recommandations pour l‘utilisateur . Volumenmessgeräte mit Hubkolben - Teil 1: Begriffe, allgemeine Anforderungen und Gebrauchsempfehlungen ISO-8655-5 Piston-operated volumetric apparatus -- Part 5: Dispensers ISO 8655-5 ISO 8655-5:2002 specifies metrological requirements, maximum permissible errors, requirements for marking and information to be provided for users for dispensers. It is applicable to dispensers with nominal volumes from 1 microlitre up to 200 millilitres, designed to deliver their volume (Ex).

ISO 8655-1:2002 specifies the general requirements for piston-operated volumetric apparatus. It is applicable to piston pipettes, piston burettes, dilutors and dispensers. It furthermore defines terms for the use of piston-operated volumetric apparatus and gives a list of equivalent terms. It also gives user recommendations.

bs en iso 8655-1:2002 We recommend that you check the website of the publishers of the international document before making a purchase. NOTE For metrological requirements, maximum permissible errors, requirements for marking and information to be provided for users for piston-operated volumetric apparatus, see ISO for piston pipettes, see ISO for piston burettes, see ISO for dilutors and see rectificatif technique 1 à la norme iso 8655-6 de septembre 2002. Certification, évaluation, diagnostic. Obtenez un devis de certification de systèmes, produits ou services, et faites-vous certifier. with ISO 8655 and are often stricter than those specified in the international standard, as are the expected results for maximum permissible errors, which are tabulated in the Appendix. So, adherence to this procedure assures conformity to Gilson’s specifications for accuracy (systematic error) and precision (random error) and to ISO Wir arbeiten nach DIN EN ISO 8655 - Volumenmessgeräte mit Hubkolben Bei der Kalibrierung von Volumenmessgeräten definiert die DIN EN ISO 8655 den international anerkannten Stand der Technik, den sowohl Kalibrierlabors als auch Labors, die ihre Pipetten selbst kalibrieren, zu beachten haben. Standard: BS EN ISO 8655-1:2002: Title Identifier: Piston-operated volumetric apparatus. Terminology, general requirements and user recommendations piston-operated volumetric apparatus - part 6 : gravimetric methods for the determination of measurement error

Según las normas para la gestión de la calidad ISO 15189 e ISO 9001, los laboratorios clínicos deben establecer una pro- gramación que controle y demuestre periódicamente que sus instrumentos de medida se encuentran calibrados y mantener documentos que describan los procedimientos de calibración y los criterios de aceptación, así como informes que contengan datos de las calibraciones

ISO 8655-5:2002 specifies metrological requirements, maximum permissible errors, requirements for marking and information to be provided for users for dispensers. It is applicable to dispensers with nominal volumes from 1 microlitre up to 200 millilitres, designed to deliver their volume (Ex). electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address be low or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@iso.ch Web www.iso.ch Printed in Switzerland Internationale relationer: EN ISO 8655-1:2002 IDT ISO 8655-1:2002 IDT. ICS: 17.060 - Måling af volumen, masse, vægtfylde, viskositet 01.040.17 - Metrologi og måling. Fysiske fænomener (ordliste) Varenummer: 43234 DIN EN ISO 8655-5 - 2002-12 Piston-operated volumetric apparatus - Part 5: Dispenser (ISO 8655-5:2002); German version EN ISO 8655-5:2002. Inform now! We use cookies to make our website more user-friendly and to continually improve it. Please agree to the use of cookies in order to proceed with using our websites Conformity testing (type evaluation) of piston-operated volumetric apparatus is given in ISO 8655-6. Alternative test methods such as photometric and titrimetric methods will be the subject of a future Part 7 to ISO 8655. ISO 8655-1:2002 specifies the general requirements for piston-operated volumetric apparatus. It is applicable to piston pipettes, piston burettes, dilutors and dispensers. It furthermore defines terms for the use of piston-operated volumetric apparatus and gives a list of equivalent terms. It also gives user recommendations.

UNE-EN ISO 8655-1:2003 Aparatos volumétricos accionados mediante pistón. Parte 1: Terminología, requisitos generales y recomendaciones de uso. (ISO 8655-

ISO 3696, Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods ISO 8655-1:2002, Piston-operated volumetric apparatus— Part 1: Terminology, general requirements and user recommendations ISO 8655-6:2002, Piston-operated volumetric apparatus— Part 6: Gravimetric methods for the determination of measurement error Según las normas para la gestión de la calidad ISO 15189 e ISO 9001, los laboratorios clínicos deben establecer una pro- gramación que controle y demuestre periódicamente que sus instrumentos de medida se encuentran calibrados y mantener documentos que describan los procedimientos de calibración y los criterios de aceptación, así como informes que contengan datos de las calibraciones

ISO 8655-1 December 15, 2008 Piston-operated volumetric apparatus — Part 1: Terminology, general requirements and user recommendations TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 A description is not available for this item. ISO 8655-1. September 15, 2002 Piston-Operated Volumetric idt ISO 8655-1:2002. Piston-operated volumetric apparatus - Part 1: Terminology, general requirements and user recommendations. Appareils volumétriques à piston - Partie 1: Définitions, exigences générales et recommandations pour l‘utilisateur . Volumenmessgeräte mit Hubkolben - Teil 1: Begriffe, allgemeine Anforderungen und Gebrauchsempfehlungen ISO-8655-5 Piston-operated volumetric apparatus -- Part 5: Dispensers ISO 8655-5 ISO 8655-5:2002 specifies metrological requirements, maximum permissible errors, requirements for marking and information to be provided for users for dispensers. It is applicable to dispensers with nominal volumes from 1 microlitre up to 200 millilitres, designed to deliver their volume (Ex). ISO 8655-1 PDF - PDF disclaimer. This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed. ISO

ISO 8655-1 provides general requirements and terminology. The detailed volumetric ranges for each type of apparatus specified in the ISO 8655 series are indicated in the appropriate tables of maximum perm tssible error, i.e for piston pipettes (ISO 8655-2).for piston burettes (ISO 8655-3). for dilutors (ISO 8655-4) and for dispensers (ISO 8655-5).

ISO 8655-1 PDF - PDF disclaimer. This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed. ISO ISO 8655-2 - 2002-09 Piston-operated volumetric apparatus - Part 2: Piston pipettes. Inform now! We use cookies to make our website more user-friendly and to continually improve it. Please agree to the use of cookies in order to proceed with using our websites. More information can be found in our data protection information. OK Conformity testing (type evaluation)of piston-operated volumetric apparatus is given in ISO 8655-6.Alternative test methods such as photometric and titrimetric methods will be the subject of a future Part 7 to ISO 8655.For all other tests (e.g.quality assurance by the supplier,analytical and measuring equipment quality assurance by the user)see ISO 8655-6 or alternative test methods. **ISO 8655-1:2002 specifies the general requirements for piston-operated volumetric apparatus. It is applicable to piston pipettes, piston burettes, dilutors and Specific criteria for calibration - the nabl Dec 8, 2014 No: NABL 122-04 Specific Criteria for Calibration Laboratories in Mechanical .. ISO ISO 8655-1:2002 part of ISO 8655 specifies the general requirements for piston-operated volumetric apparatus. It is applicable to piston pipettes, piston burettes, dilutors and dispensers. It furthermore defines terms for the use of piston-operated volumetric apparatus and gives a list of equivalent terms. It also gives user recommendations. Las siguientes definiciones se toman de la norma DIN EN ISO 8655-1. las puntas deben asegurar una descarga continua del líquido las puntas deben tener una boca uniforme el líquido de prueba (agua) debe poder entregarse sin residuos. DKD-R. Edición: 12/2011.